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    inter osatu matabi goizper

    Inter 1.5

    Designed as a garden sprayer but used widely within the car valeting industry. This is the same sprayer as Goizper’s Matabi and Osatu models – just a different colour and a different name. We also sell the spares for this.

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    Inter 7

    A compression sprayer with a 5 litre working capacity. Ergonomic handle, filter with viton seals and stainless steel spring. Liquid level viewer by transparent hose. Adjustable conic nozzle and accessory adapter. Viton chamber shut-off valve. Fibreglass lance. Easy draining through a connection at the bottom of the tank. Easy use and maintenance. An inexpensive aid to help fight the Corona Virus. We stock spares for this sprayer https://www.atomiza.co.uk/product-category/spares/inter-spares/.

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    Inter 9

    A compression sprayer with a 6-litre working capacity, fibreglass lance, ergonomic handle, filter with viton seals and stainless steel spring, viton chamber shut-off valve and device for holding with the feet while pressurising.

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